Lightening and Copper Trailblazing with Chaulk and Copper Queen Education
“Guaranteed copper longevity every time!”

One day in person education with Rachael Lomax of Copper Queen Education and Sarah Spiers of Chaulk Education, comprising discussion, demonstration and practice of their unique Copper and lightening techniques.
1 day in person for just…
Do You Find that your Coppers:
- Fade too quickly
- When lightening loose the vibrancy
- Never know how light to lift before toning with a copper
- Your copper “browns out”
- Whether to add any pure red/copper or gold pigment
In this course you will learn:
- Many ways to swatch out for true copper results
- Science of alternative lightening methods without bleach
- When to add pure pigment
- The best oxidant for each individual journey
- Brand neutral information on brands colours
- The three main ways to tone
- True understanding of the colour globe
You will go home:
- With a kit bag made specifically for the day
- More confidence to achieve long lasting coppers
- More knowhow in the science of hair structure & brand colours
- Empowered knowledge when lightening hair to keep the integrity
- Feeling super assured with your ability to tone the hair accordingly
In person training:
This is a live course, conducted in person at our own private salon, at Admiral way, Thetford, Norfolk over 1 full day of education.
£100 off for the first 5 students
Enter code
at checkout
Book Your Course:
All T&C’s from Chaulk education and Copper queen applies. Any booking is non refundable but will be transferred to join the next trail blazing course