The Authority on Copper
The Copper Queen Salon, in Thetford, Norfolk has been an exclusive Copper Colour Salon since 2008, with owner Rachael the UK authority on Copper Colour Hair care, Education and Products.
To the guests whom she welcomes through the salon doors, she understands that vivacious shades and make-overs require expertise and passion to really come to life and it’s this journey to perfection that motivates her.
For colourists who are looking for personal and professional development, to upskill their colour techniques, her unique and specialist courses provide up-to-date technical knowledge giving confidence and inspiring expert colourists.
Working alongside the best brands in the industry and holding a colour degree, Rachael educates through her own online platform, at her Studio in Thetford and around the world for numerous colour brands.
Whether you are here to learn, transform your copper hair or seek the advice of the copper colour expert; welcome.

Simply The Best Copper
Drawing from Rachael’s vast experience and insights into advanced hair colouring techniques a visit to the Copper Queen Salon or Academy promises a broadening of copper knowledge, increased confidence, and a new appreciation for the beauty of copper hair.

For enquiries into our courses or to arrange a course to be held in your salon contact us below